
Download steam deck live a live
Download steam deck live a live

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If you are unfamiliar with the desktop mode, you can get there by holding the power button down long enough to see a popup menu. You need to launch the desktop mode and use Firefox to download the installer of whichever game or program you want to install. Follow these easy steps, and you can! ☺️ Getting your game installedįirst things first. With the help of some magic, the device manages to run all sorts of resource hungry Windows games on Linux! What an era to be alive! But… What to do if you would like to play a non-Steam Game like something from Ubisoft Connect, Gog or Epic Games? Or maybe you would like to play the new Pokémon TCG Live on your Steam deck. I just love how I can play pretty much any AAA game on Steam Deck.

download steam deck live a live

Steam Deck is one of the greatest gaming devices released in a long time.

Download steam deck live a live